How your eyes are telling you lies – MAGIC TRICK INCLUDED!

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Your eyes may be telling you lies as in lying by omission. While your eyes see images in the visual cortex, if your brain has no knowledge or experience of the image you are looking at, you do not see or comprehend it. This is what magicians use to create an illusion. However, once you understand how the illusion is done, then the illusion is no more because the brain can now comprehend the visual information that the eye is supplying.

Watch this magic trick to see what I mean:

There are things that we know that we know, and things that we know that we don’t know. But how do we deal with the things that we don’t know that we don’t know? When managing an opportunity or resource and you come across a problem, start thinking “is what I’m seeing the effect or the cause?” because there is the problem that you currently identify/understand, but that may not be the real problem under the surface.

An example of this is when owning or running a car and your front tyres get worn out. You buy brand new tyres, but the real problem was the wheel alignment. Then you will find that when you’re driving around, your wheels get scuffed out of alignment by a few degrees, it causes more problems so that later on down the line, you may need to buy new tyres but still haven’t dealt with the root cause.

A business example of this is when someone comes to you and asks for more salary/money. You pay them more but it doesn’t fix the real problem, which was recognition and by paying them more money and then telling them to go away, you have compounded the problem, because they are looking for validation and not reward.

A good way to step outside yourself and examine the problem from multiple angles is to use the poem “I Keep Six Honest Serving Men” by Rudyard Kipling, to help you get to understand what’s really behind the solution.

I keep six honest serving-menThey taught me all I knew;Their names are What and Why and WhenAnd How and Where and Who.I send them over land and sea,I send them east and west;But after they have worked for me,I give them all a rest.

In asking the questions What, Why, When, How, Where and Who, this enables you to input a variety of answers and suggestions to help ensure that you are seeing the full picture of the problem you want to solve and not just from one angle. Interestingly, you will find that the solution often sits behind the problem and by asking in the right way, it will reveal itself,. Just like how your eyes adjusted to seeing how the Coin Trick worked.

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