Our Life Changing Books

Revolutionise Your EQ By Learning What Makes People Tick

Do you want to improve your Emotional Quotient (EQ)? This book will help you to understand your emotional drivers and those of the people around you. This will enable you to have more effective relationships based on your authentic self.

Understanding your own Emotional Intelligence (EQ) is a powerful tool. Being able to identify and recognise other people’s emotions, and feel empathy towards them can help build healthy, productive relationships. This, in turn, helps you build your own physical and psychological wellbeing.

The insights in this book have been gleaned from a lifetime of working with people and organisations across the business spectrum. It will enable you to better understand yourself, and enhance your ability to work more productively with others. This will give you a better understanding of your meaning of life.

Revolutionise The Way You Work And Achieve Better Job Satisfaction

Isn’t it a great feeling when you’re heading home from a good day at work? The air seems fresher and the day seems brighter. There’s a positive spring in your step. But why are those days so rare?

We all have to breathe to supply oxygen to our bodies. Similarly we need to work to earn money to live. Whether we work for salary, wages or are self-employed, we all have masters who want us to be more productive and deliver results.

This book will help you understand your instinctive working style, and help you achieve better satisfaction across your life. Which is how to write a cv and make a resume more attractive.

Revolutionise The Way You Sell And Influence People

We live in a world where selling and influencing people is more important than ever. It doesn’t matter what you’re selling, the process is the same. Finding a buyer for your goods or services, understanding where they are in their journey and what their needs are, and working with them to provide a solution takes time.

This book will help you understand the customer’s buying journey, and the points where you can provide the most assistance. Gleaned from extensive experience, the ideas offered here are tried and tested. This is how to win friends and influence people.
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