professional development

Professional development is an area that we all want to work on, but we’re not always sure where to start. Once you understand your natural talents, your natural working style, and what really matters to you, you’re on your way to achieving better job satisfaction.

Find out more about what a tailored professional development programme from Huse Hill Associates can do for you.


revolutionise the way you work

If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get the same results. This programme enables you to understand how you work, and move from simply reacting to finding solutions that benefit everyone that you come in contact with.

Do you know how your actions impact on your organisation’s key outcomes? Do you know what your organisation’s key organisational outcomes are? How does your natural working style help or hinder your life? Find out how to be proactive and strategic in your thinking and actions by revolutionising the way you work through this Huse Hill Associates programme.



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revolutionise your natural working style

Have you ever stopped to think what your natural working style is, and how it could be affecting your everyday life? It’s not something we’re taught about in school. Think about the last day you came home from work satisfied with your day. What went right?

The closer your natural working style is aligned to your working day, the greater your job satisfaction. At Huse Hill Associates, we can help you identify your natural working style, and help reduce the stress in your daily life. This programme will help you discover how you work best, and enable you to interact more effectively with others as your authentic self.




Everyone has to sell something, whether it’s an idea or a widget. This programme helps you understand the customer’s journey, and how you can effectively influence a positive outcome for everyone.

To create more sales and influencing success in your life, contact us at Huse Hill Associates to find out more about this programme.



revolutionise your emotional intelligence (eq)

Do you want to improve your Emotional Quotient (EQ)? This programme will help you to understand your emotional drivers and those of the people around you. This will enable you to have more effective relationships based on your authentic self.

Understanding your own Emotional Intelligence (EQ) is a powerful tool. Being able to identify and recognise other people’s emotions, and feel empathy towards them can help build healthy, productive relationships. This, in turn, helps you build your own physical and psychological wellbeing.

The insights in this programme have been gleaned from a lifetime of working with people and organisations across the business spectrum. It will enable you to better understand yourself, and enhance your ability to work more productively with others.



revolutionise the way teams work

Great teams don’t just happen by chance. They need an investment of time and emotion. Working in teams requires the ability to listen, empathise, and sometimes compromise for the greater good. This programme is designed to help you understand teams, how they work, and the most effective way to get the best results for everyone.

Learn how to direct the process of forming and developing teams with this effective Huse Hill Associates programme. It’ll be a game-changer for you and your team.



revolutionise the way you use ms outlook

Microsoft Outlook has been the backbone of businesses for many years, but few people understand how to use all of its capabilities to help improve your business. This programme enables people to get under the hood of Microsoft Outlook and get the best out of it for client interaction and management, recording information, as well as planning and managing projects.

At Huse Hill Associates we can teach you how to use MS Outlook in a way that suits your natural working style, and you’ll end up working on the things that are important, not just the attention-grabbing tasks.