Our Life Changing Programmes

Revolutionise Your EQ By Learning What Makes People Tick

Do you want to improve your Emotional Quotient (EQ)? This programme will help you to understand your emotional drivers and those of the people around you. This will enable you to have more effective relationships based on your authentic self.

Understanding your own Emotional Intelligence (EQ) is a powerful tool. Being able to identify and recognise other people’s emotions, and feel empathy towards them can help build healthy, productive relationships. This, in turn, helps you build your own physical and psychological wellbeing.

The insights in this programme have been gleaned from a lifetime of working with people and organisations across the business spectrum. It will enable you to better understand yourself, and enhance your ability to work more productively with others.

Revolutionise The Way You Work And Achieve Better Job Satisfaction

If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get the same results. This programme enables you to understand how you work, and move from simply reacting to finding solutions that benefit everyone that you come in contact with.

Do you know how your actions impact on your organisation’s key outcomes? Do you know what your organisation’s key organisational outcomes are? How does your natural working style help or hinder your life? Find out how to be proactive and strategic in your thinking and actions by revolutionising the way you work through this Huse Hill Associates programme.

Revolutionise The Way You Sell And Influence People

We all have needs that we want to fulfil. They can range from food and shelter to buying a new home or car. Sometimes we’d just like a nice night out, with dinner, or a movie with friends.

Communicating those needs to others in a meaningful way so that you get what you need is essentially selling and influencing.

You might be a manager introducing changes to your team, or a medical specialist advocating a new medicine. You could be a mechanic explaining why a car part needs replacing, or an MP in Parliament trying to gain support for a law change. You might be a parent convincing your child to do something. To achieve your goals, you need to get the ‘buy-in’ of other people.

What you say and do affects their thinking and decision-making process. So the easiest place to start is with your own thinking and actions and how it can influence the outcome you need. Think about it – every face-to-face interaction we have involves both verbal and non-verbal communication. What we understand about the process of communication determines how well we do.
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