July 7, 2016
Tell Outlook to calculate future dates for you

Microsoft Outlook is a lot smarter than you think. Here is a good example. If your client or supplier wants to book an appointment on the first Tuesday next month, what is the quickest way to find the date? 1.Open up a new appointment on your calendar. 2.Select the start date and type in, “First […]

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June 12, 2016
How to use the Speak text-to-speech features in MS Outlook

When we are busy or tired our ability to manage our grammar and spelling may be impaired. Outlook 2013 comes to the rescue when the email is read back to you audibly (text to speech) so that your ears may pick up what your eyes do not. To get this functionality working you need to […]

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June 6, 2016
How to set Outlook to open your calendar automatically

When you arrive at your desk to start your working day, the first thing you need to do is check what is on your appointments, and what you need to achieve before the end of your day. Think of your calendar as a map of your day. A single view of all your appointments, separated […]

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April 28, 2016
Personal Productivity is Within the 90% of MS Outlook You are Not Using

What if the tools you need to revolutionise the way you work are right under your nose, and you didn’t know it? When mankind were “hunter gatherers” life was measured in heartbeats. We now live in the information age, and our lives can be measured in keystrokes. Both hunter gatherers and information workers live only […]

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