What is your natural working style?

February 20, 2016

Have you ever stopped to think what your natural working style is, and how it could be affecting your job?
It doesn’t matter if you’re an introvert or an extrovert, and it’s got nothing to do with your IQ either – that’s all about your cognitive ability, or the speed at which you think.
Your natural working style is your conative behaviour, or the way you work or carry out a task.
Think about that word: conative. Not cognitive, conative. It’s one of the three parts of the mind, including the affective and the cognitive. Conative is all about the “why” – why do you do something?
How does it affect your job satisfaction?
Think about the four key elements of employment: information, physicality, process, and improvisation. Every job has varying degrees of intensity for each of these elements.
Your natural working style – your conative behaviour – also has the same four key elements. Hmmm. Do you see a pattern emerging?
The closer your natural working style is aligned to your working day, the greater your job satisfaction. It works the same in reverse – if you’re not working in a way that suits your style, you’ll be mired in frustration and heartache.
How does your natural working style impact on your work and personal relationships? If you haven’t identified your natural working style, when it comes to working with others on performing a task you may become frustrated by the differing opinions that arise. What is the “right” way? Whose natural working style will prevail?
Can this affect your health and wellbeing? If you consider that the word disease is from the Old French “disaise” which means “without ease” then it’s likely to be a factor. If you are stressed by your environment that can put a lot of pressure on your immune system – which may then translate into illness.

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